ISSN: 2222-6990
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The reciprocity practice between sponsored body engagements and image improvements represent the most important objectives for the company. Sponsorship openings is vital in developing the positive image strategies. The objective of this study is to analyze the growing importance regarding the influential relationship between sponsor image formations toward sponsor’s image. It is pertinent to improve the utilization of to what extent the brand sponsorship affects the image of sponsoring bodies. This study will be conducted using empirical data to examine the relationship by adopting the criterion of sponsor image formation to result the improvisation of sponsor’s image. Three distinct forms were taken based on proposition by Grohs & Reisinger (2014) of proposed relationship between event image, event sponsor-fit and event commercialization to sponsor’s image. This paper concludes with some reasons for the findings, implications for the choice and design of sponsorships, and further areas for research
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In-Text Citation: (Ghani, Ramli, Bakhry, Sah, & Mahamad, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ghani, W. S. W. A., Ramli, N., Bakhry, M. W. S., Sah, N. F. M., & Mahamad, T. E. T. (2019). Assessing The Relationship between Sponsor Image Formation towards Building Positive Sponsor’s Image. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 613–623.
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