ISSN: 2222-6990
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The geographic identification of the research concerns the Balkan countries. In particular, fairy tales were documented in local research in Florinas’ borders area. The language material we present refers to Balkan languages. According to the linguists (Ivan Colovic, 2003; Paul-Louis Thomas, 2002-2003), the Serbo-Croatian language is defined as a polycentric common language, a language spoken by many peoples in different states, with recognizable linguistic variants. In linguistics the Balkan language link or Balkansprachbund refers to the name given to similarities in the grammar, syntax, vocabulary and phonology of the Balkan languages, although belonging to different branches of the Indo-European language family, such as Greek, Latin, Albanian, and Slavic languages.
Methodologically, we attempt the semiotics study of translation as an approach called translation semiotics: following Tzvetan Todorov, narrative is defined as a disturbance of balance, while as a myth the material of the story, which is narrated by a text.
Thus, as researchers and as readers we take on the techniques of narration, plotting and myth. The aim is to highlight the common and different patterns in the Balkan fairy tales, resulting in the translation material itself as new narratives.
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In-Text Citation: (Tsoumitas, Ntonou, & Vamvakidou, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Tsoumitas, K., Ntonou, P., & Vamvakidou, I. (2019). Balkan Bilingual Fairy Tales and Educational Activities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 707–717.
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