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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Harmonization between the Traditional Al-‘Urf and Modern Approaches in Halal Food Industry

R. Zulaipa, M. F. H. Hanifah, A. Thuraya

Open access

The process of Islamic legal deduction continuously happens due to the need of problem-solving for the contemporary. In relation to this matter, al-‘urf could be seen as one of the significant references for the fuqaha’ (jurists) to deal with the arising issues since al-‘urf is regarded as so accommodative with the reality. Since the halal food industry becomes one of the lucrative industries all over the globe, thus there is an urge for the fuqaha’ in ensuring that the rulings deduced are concrete and rational to deliver to the society. In view of this matter, there is a need for the fuqaha’ to be skillful in understanding the issues in ensuring the rulings are in line with the objective of Shariah. Thus, this paper seeks to discuss the role of al-’urf in determining related halal food legal rulings by rationalizing the traditional al-‘urf with the modern approaches. This paper adopts qualitative research methodology in which document analysis techniques were used to collect the data i.e. ranging from classical books related to al-‘urf, journal articles, the Malaysian fatwas related to halal food and any other authoritative articles that deem suit to this study. Then the data was analyzed by using content analysis and constant comparative techniques simultaneously. The finding has shown that, the interpretation of al-‘urf could be distinguished between one fuqaha’ to another from one issue to other issues because of several factors like the legislations, locality, evolvement of science and technology, and the different expertise in food related fields. This study proposed that the fuqaha’ need to be well-equip with the food science and technology knowledge in ensuring the rulings deduced is compatible the reality.

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In-Text Citation: (Zulaipa, Hanifah, & Thuraya, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Zulaipa, R., Hanifah, M. F. H., & Thuraya, A. (2019). Harmonization between the Traditional Al-‘Urf and Modern Approaches in Halal Food Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 735–743.