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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Quality of PERPADUAN Pre-school Environment and Human Resources: Teachers’ Satisfaction on their Career Development

Nordin Mamat, Loy Chee Luen, Mazlina Che Mustapha, Abdul Rahim Razalli, Abdul Talib M. Hashim , Ramlee Ismail

Open access

This study was designed to investigate pre-school environment in PERPADUAN pre-school in Malaysia. The objectives are to identify the quality of work environment in multi-ethnic pre-schools; to investigate the practices of teachers’ role and responsibility; and to identify the quality of human resources. The study involved 2004 respondents who are the staff of PERPADUAN pre-school from the government agency who provide pre-school service. Questionnaires and interviews were used in this study to obtain data from respondents. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and qualitative data to support the findings from quantitative results. Findings indicated that the work environment at a moderate level. The study also found that only 53.7% of respondents agreed facilities at the workplace is sufficient. It shows that nearly half of respondents said that there is still a lack of facilities in the workplace. A total of 1,219 (60.7%) of respondents prefer to work with children of all races and a total of 1,834 ( 91.4%) respondents agreed the concept of cultural diversity to be nurtured at the preschool level. The ranking of duties and responsibilities of teachers in multi-ethnic preschool shows the teachers practice daily record of children's development is very little, that only 65 persons are recording the child's development. The poor ratio of teachers and child in multi-ethnic preschool is between 25 to 35 children per class which means the children needs a lot attention. Mean while the work environment is moderate with a mean score of 3.65 and overall mean score for level of staff career development 3.66 also moderate. The findings indicate the facilities provided in their workplace and staff career development requires improvements. Overall, respondents in need of improvement for the PERPADUAN pre-schools of all aspects of pre-school. Thus, from this study are expected to help achieve the objective of improving the quality of PERPADUAN pre-schools’ environment and preparing teacher better career development.

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In-Text Citation: (Mamat, Luen, Mustapha, Razalli, & Hashim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mamat, N., Luen, L. C., Mustapha, M. C., Razalli, A. R., & Hashim, A. T. M. (2019). The Quality of PERPADUAN Pre-school Environment and Human Resources: Teachers’ Satisfaction on Their Career Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 882–897.