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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Unwanted Pregnancy among Adolescents: Educating Parent

Noradila Mohd Faudzi, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor, Melati Sumari

Open access

Unwanted pregnancy among adolescent has been considered as a social problem in Malaysia. Moreover, pregnancy in this stage is associated with the high-risk pregnancy. Adolescent and parent involved in this issue are facing hard time and it is challenging to deal with. Recent statistics from the Malaysia's Ministry of Health has stated there are around 4,000 teenage girls under the age of 18 were reported pregnant annually This alarming number of cases were due to the lack of education and information about reproductive and sexual health, lack of access ways to prevent pregnancy, adolescent sexual behavior, and other factors. Hence, this study will focus on how parents can play their roles in helping their child faced this hard time, because the parents tend to feel shock, anger, and disappointed when they found that their young children are pregnant. A feeling of regret was also experienced where these parents' thought that they did not do enough prevention for this issue. Moreover, the perceptions from extended family members, friends and people at school and the community at larger on this matter usually make parents shameful. This paper gathered the data information through library readings including references from books, theses and related journal articles to assist the determination of the content. This paper intends to give an overview on what parents can do to help their children facing this stage of an unwanted pregnancy. This paper will also explain on the Islamic approach to educate the parents and athe implication for practitioner.

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In-Text Citation: (Faudzi, Nor, & Sumari, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Faudzi, N. M., Nor, A. M., & Sumari, M. (2019). Unwanted Pregnancy among Adolescents: Educating Parent. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 920–931