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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Verify the Five Likert Scale for Improvement of Specialist Coaches plus Program Implementation Evaluation Instruments Based on Approach Model Measurement Rasch

Salefah Mat Salleh, Norasmah Othman

Open access

This study is to verify the five - point likert scale used in the SISC+ Program Implementation Assessment Instrument (3PSISC+). Instrument 3PSISC+ was established to evaluate the implementation of the School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus program (SISC+) which was authoritatively propelled in 2014. It includes 100 items using the five-point likert scale and is spreads to 168 teachers engaged with the SISC+ program in the state of Selangor. Assessment scales testing in this study can decide the best scale use based on the Rasch Model measurement approach. The five-point Likert scale in this study has satisfied six set criteria, namely 1) every category has more than ten observations, 2) the arc shape of apiece category has its own peak and is not hidden, 3) the average scale size value growths normally, 4 ) the value of the MNSQ outfit is less than 2 logit, 5) the threshold value rises lengthways with the rating scale category, 6) the block category is more than the value of one and less than the value 5. Thus, the likert scale used in this study is preserved for being comprehensible and to differentiate by the respondent.

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In-Text Citation: (Salleh & Othman, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, S. M., & Othman, N. (2019). Verify the Five Likert Scale for Improvement of Specialist Coaches plus Program Implementation Evaluation Instruments Based on Approach Model Measurement Rasch. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 932–943.