ISSN: 2222-6990
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The problem examined in this study is the problem of performance satisfaction of Members of the West Aceh DPRK. The satisfaction of the performance of these Board Members is assessed by community leaders in each sub-district in West Aceh. For meeting development needs, Board Members have a significant role to play. Development in West Aceh is still below the standard, especially in the infrastructure sector. This is because West Aceh was hit by the tsunami in 2004, causing a lot of damage to the infrastructure chain. The performance of the Board Members required to take care of their territory is in terms of supervision and budget. Their performance needs to be assessed by community leaders to get optimal ratings. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis. The study data were obtained through interviews and observations. Six of the respondents were chosen to provide information in this study. The study area is six regions, namely Arongan Lambalek, Woyla Barat, Tanjong, Kaway XVI, Woyla, and Pante Ceureumen. The results of the study show that the performance of the Board Members is essential for development. Therefore, mutual communication between Board Members and community leaders is necessary. Suggestions from village community leaders are also needed to achieve development goals.
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In-Text Citation: (Mardan, Hastalona, & Rahmat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mardan, J. A., Hastalona, D., & Rahmat, R. (2019). Effect of Work Satisfaction on Performance DPRK Members in Development According to the Perspective of the Community of West Aceh. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 1–9.
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