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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Development and Evaluation of Malay Gamelan Module for Schools and Communities

Wong Huey Yi @ Colleen Wong, Christine Augustine, Zaharul Lailiddin bin Saidon, Suflan Faidzal Bin Arshad

Open access

It is crucial for every country to sustain and enrich their traditional music as very little written documentation is published. Many have mentioned that traditional music is taught orally through listening, observing, and playing. Skills of playing and knowledge are shared verbally within the community. The objectives of this research are focused on: 1) to identify patterns of playing in Malay gamelan; 2) to identify the techniques of teaching of Malay gamelan; and 3) to evaluate the self-learning module of Malay gamelan in teaching and learning. Observations conducted by the researchers indicate that Malay gamelan music has always been performed differently in terms of technical aspects in playing, especially during classes as well as in competitions. There is no standardized techniques and patterns in Malay gamelan playing. The reason for this because most traditional instruments in Malaysia are still taught orally although there is a guideline to be followed. In order to develop and evaluate the module, ASSURE model of teaching was used to help ensure the efficiency in designing this module. Respondents for this research consist of Malay gamelan experts. Four Malay Gamelan songs were identified; with specific patterns and techniques of playing and were transcribed to form a module with teaching units. The teaching units produced from the research hopes to educate Gamelan Melayu players.