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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Evaluation Index System and Weight of NGO Evaluation: The Case of Yemen

Mohammed Gamal Abdulkhaleq Al-khawlani, Fang Zhigeng

Open access

Nongovernmental organizations have taken on eminent roles in delivering poverty reduction in all over the world. The objective of this research is to measure the accurate estimation of evaluation index system and weight of NGO evaluation for Yemen. This paper also focuses on methodological aspects which are much more than their infrastructure and the higher share of ‘NGO in their total support in Yemen. We employed a mathematical composite indicator which combines various indicator in a systematic and comprehensive way. The results show that CO- NGO-Supported is positioned at top. With a normal average score of 0.65 among every single chosen nation, the NGO supported is positioned at second with an average composite record score is 0.62. Supported farmer holds third position while non-supported is positioned No.4 among these types of farmers including different status such as Supported Farmer, Non- Supported Farmer, NGO-Supported, Non-NGO-Supported and CO- NGO-Supported farmers in the Yemen. The study will provide valuable information towards policy makers and decision makers.

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In-Text Citation: (Al-khawlani & Zhigeng, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Al-khawlani, M. G. A., & Zhigeng, F. (2019). Evaluation Index System and Weight of Ngo Evaluation: The Case of Yemen. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 136-151