ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The establishment of a fitness center is a matter of stress and serious risk to every manager and fitness trainer. To encourage participation in physical activity, firstly, it is vital to educate the manager and fitness trainer to perform their highest quality of services. Sports and recreation programs from any education institution should be able to groom their student on how to deliver the knowledge and perform the best quality of services to the people. Generally, the measurement of service quality to the fitness industry in Malaysia is still bland. The quality of an organization's service reflects the extent to which the customer's needs and satisfaction can be met. In addition, the incidence of illness among people today is associated with unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of exercise, smoking, eating disorders and drug abuse. This may be due to lack of emphasis on psychosocial aspects and health promotion. In this regard, the study aims to measure the quality of services in selected fitness centers in the state of Perlis. This study will serve as useful information to fitness center managers based on the satisfaction of the gym users, especially in terms of health and fitness. The fitness centers are Fitness @ Ku, Rock Fitness, Amzex Fitness and Unicity Fitness in Perlis, the most northern state of Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 280 respondents were randomly selected from the target group. The instrument used in this study was SERVQUAL which has five components. The data was inferentially analyzed (independent t-test and One-Way ANOVA) using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 22.0. Based on gender and family income of the respondents, the study found significant result on service quality of the participated fitness centers.
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In-Text Citation: (Pa, Salamuddin, Zin, & Bakar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Pa, W. A. M. W., Salamuddin, N., Zin, N. M., & Bakar, A. Y. A. (2019). Service Quality among Sports and Fitness Practitioners in Malaysia: A Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 273–284.
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