ISSN: 2222-6990
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‘Aid al-Qarni is a famous da’i that has already contributed a lot within his writings and talks. This paper will focus on the usage of al-Raja as one of the language styles in the Arabic language that carries a meaning of hope in a book titled La Tahzan by ‘Aid al-Qarni. However, al-Raja in this context refers to putting a fully hope to Allah SWT and avoiding despair. This is because the language style used plays an important role in order to deliver any messages. For example, when we face any troubles, this al-Raja is needed in order to make sure that we put a very high hope to Allah SWT. Besides, ‘Aid al-Qarni also mentioned some useful and effective ways in order to avoid ourselves from being despair when facing any troubles as there must be any way to solve them. This study uses a qualitative approach to process and analyses data. This study also is limited in the scope of the language style on al-Raja only that uses words of ‘asa (???) and la’alla (???).
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In-Text Citation: (Mutaridi & Osman, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mutaridi, S. binti M., & Osman, K. bin. (2019). The Language Style of Hope in La Tahzan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 780–786.
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