ISSN: 2222-6990
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Broiler industry is one of the important industry in the world. The producer around the world concerned about the industry growth. Broiler meat production in Asia is expected to rise due to the increasing in consumption. Malaysia also showed the same scenario. The industry became one of the important industry which is it able to contribute to Malaysian GDP. Besides, it be a staple food in Malaysia since it is the cheapest and safe source of meat and protein. Therefore, the production of broiler meat also expected to increase every year and the demand is expected to increase until the year 2020. The industry has capability and able to grow further to fulfil the demand. However, broiler producer is facing with various challenging issues in the changing and uncertainty environment which can increase risk to sustain and maintain the performance of farm that can affect food security in Malaysia. This paper will highlight the effect of food insecurity for Malaysia and the connection with technology.
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In-Text Citation: (Bahri, Ariffin, & Mohtar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Bahri, S. I. S., Ariffin, A. S., & Mohtar, S. (2019). Critical Review on Food Security in Malaysia for Broiler Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 869–876.
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