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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Inclusive Development for B40 Households Group: Malaysian Reality in Achieving Developed Nation Status by 2025

Radieah Mohd Nor

Open access

There are too many indicators to be fulfilled by Malaysia to become a high-income developed nation by 2025. However, in these less than seven years left, it is recommended for Malaysia to focus on more critical issues such as the four foundations of happiness for human beings as stated in a hadith by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which can be related to the Malaysian Quality of Life Index (MQLI). These four foundations that can be related to the components and indicators (MQLI) and turned into conceptual framework to scrutinize the development achieved by Malaysia are family life, residence, public security and transportation. Content analysis based on data obtained from government reports was studied to evaluate inclusive development implemented by the government especially for households with income lower than RM3,855 or the bottom 40% also known as the B40 households. Based on researches conducted, it is apparent that there is still a lot to be done by the government to achieve the inclusive development as has been proclaimed. The four foundations that are made into the conceptual framework still require special attention by the government and the society in achieving the developed nation status.

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In-Text Citation: (Nor, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nor, R. M. (2019). Inclusive Development for B40 Households Group: Malaysian Reality in Achieving Developed Nation Status by 2025. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 1035–1048.