ISSN: 2222-6990
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The advent of digital technologies has created many fascinations for various industries, here particularly the media industry. Such technologies could create new businesses in the music industry as well as new revenue streams in this industry. The present study mainly aims at offering innovative strategies for the distribution of digital music in Iran such that steps are taken in the best way to flourish the national music industry. This study used the qualitative research approach, and the thematic analysis was also applied to analyze the data. The study participants include 14 specialists of digital business and music industry who were selected by the snowball sampling method. The strategies proposed in this study were presented in six areas, i.e., product, service, position, process, social, and paradigmatic innovation. Results show that the music entrepreneurs in digital platform should provide a ground for users via innovative strategies through which, a unique social world is created for them, the future of such businesses is the “Attention Economy” and business models should be directed toward the way the users’ attentions are collected the best as an essential capital.
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In-Text Citation: (Omidi, Arbatani, Norouzi, & Saraji, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Omidi, A., Arbatani, T. R., Norouzi, E., & Saraji, M. K. (2019). Fostering Digital Music Industry by Innovative Distribution Strategies: The Case of Iran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(8), 78-93.
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