ISSN: 2222-6990
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The development of Airbnb environment in the hospitality and tourism industries has created differentiation for customers to purchase product or service. Throughout years by years, customer behavioural intention has progressed according various side and wish to get more than expected in order to fulfil the needs and wants. Customers usually made accommodation booking through online. The disruptive innovation of Airbnb accommodation is an attractive element that causes customers to beware of Airbnb. In line with this, customers intend to choose accommodation based on the physical environment namely ambience, decoration and layout. However, the poor service of Airbnb such as demand service is not given and Airbnb is still considerably absent in a large number of the field. This paper aimed to examine the literature on the roles of physical environment towards Airbnb behavioural intention. The literature reviews show that there will be a positive relationship between ambience, decoration and layout with behavioural intention among customers. The findings of this study are expected to fill the gap in the literature by extending the knowledge of existing literature on Airbnb behavioural intention.
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In-Text Citation: (Nawi, Hashim, Shahril, & Hamid, 209AD)
To Cite this Article: Nawi, N. M., Hashim, N. A. A. N., Shahril, Z., & Hamid, R. (209AD). Airbnb Physical Environment Attributes and Customer Behavioral Intention: A Proposed Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(8), 144–151.
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