ISSN: 2222-6990
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In the science and physics syllabus, the topic of the wave is one of the important topics and should be mastered by the students. However, there are constraints in teaching where theoretical foundations cannot be directly visualized. The visualization method allows students to better understand the dynamic characteristics of the waves. Thus, we are innovating a Ruben tube for teaching and learning purposes in the topic of mechanical waves. The Ruben Tubes are a standard and acoustic instructional tool designed to understand the behavior of acoustic standing waves through the change of fire on the tube. In this study, relationships of nodes and anti-nodes flames numbers have also been exhibited directly and coincide with theory. Basic aspects of the wave also have been shown, such as wavelength and frequency relationships and velocities. The increase in frequency input value has shown flames with smaller wavelengths. From the findings, parameter relationships have been found numerically, ie the speed of sound in butane gas vs frequency: y = 0.0029x + 276.08, wavelength vs frequency: y = -0.0007x + 0.9627 and speed of sound in butane gas vs wavelength: y = 9.2576x + 272.49.
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In-Text Citation: (Alias et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Alias, N., Julius, R., Sahapini, N. F. M., Yahya, M. A., Mahfodz, Z., Ramli, F. F., … Kherruldin, M. N. Y. M. (2019). Teaching Mechanical Wave through Visualization Using Ruben’s Tube. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(13), 44–53.
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