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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Moderation Effect of Top Management Support on the Relationship between Customer Reference Marketing and Market Performance

Rohana Yaacob, Mas Bambang Baroto, Suzilawati Kamarudin, Nooranida Arifin

Open access

The variables proposed in this study are customer reference marketing (CRM) as independent variable, market performance (MP) as dependent variable, and top management support (TMS) as moderator variable on the relationship between CRM and MP. Based on the framework, the objectives of this study are to investigate the definitions of variables and to define the gap on the relationship between variables. The method used in this study is systematic literature review and the literature are originated from journals in period, 2012 - 2018. Results of the study show that there are lack of studies on the relationship between CRM and MP, and there is contradiction in TMS as moderator on the relationship between CRM and MP, where some of the hypotheses results are not significant, and some of them are significant. The results provide significant contribution to the body of knowledge by enriching CRM study, and clarifying the moderating effect of TMS on the relationship between CRM and MP.

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In-Text Citation: (Yaacob, Baroto, Kamarudin, & Arifin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Yaacob, R., Baroto, M. B., Kamarudin, S., & Arifin, N. (2019). Moderation Effect of Top Management Support on the Relationship between Customer Reference Marketing and Market Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 1263–1297.