ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The problem in non formal education is the low motivation to learn, so teacher need to overcome the problem with creative and innovative learning. This purpose of study is implementation discovery learning model for non formal education in wich discovery learning model is one that giver opportunities to students find any information about knowledge without help from teacher on the nonformal education especially chemistry class of Paket C Programs. This research was a experimental study. Data collection techniques in this study include tests, observation, documentation and interview. The hypothesis of research used analytical techniques independent sample T-Test with a level 0.05 level and SPSS version 10. The result showed that the reliability test results are then compared with value rt in this study N=20 and dk=20-1=19 with a significance level 5% so that values rt=0.433 are obtained . If ra
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In-Text Citation: (Raharjo, Kisworo, & Harianingsih, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Raharjo, T. J., Kisworo, B., & Harianingsih. (2019). The Implementation Effect of Discovery Learning Model for Non-Formal Education Student. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 297-306.
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