ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study analyses the socio-economic situations being contended with the Syrian immigrants living in Beylikdüzü district in ?stanbul in terms of the analytic and industrial circumstances. This paper exposes the immigrants’ economic problems being interlaced with the education and Turkish language. To guide the analysis and interpretation of the quantitative data in this research, a random sampling was conducted to the Syrian immigrants. This survey is divided into two parts: (1) questions relative to the demographic status (age, gender, job, education and place); and (2) questions regarding the socio-economic exigency (labor markets, wage satisfaction, working hours, challenges in learning Turkish, accommodation possibilities and psychological needs) of the Syrian settlers. This study arrives at the following findings: Syrian immigrants are working with long working hours and low wages; Syrian families have been subjected many challenges such as shelter, basic food and basic goods; and Syrian migrants’ increasing number of accommodation problems. In conclusion, Syrian immigrants have an inconceivably wide range of problems from socio-economic to languages. However, these problems are not considered as hinders to achieve equality, equity, and social justice which everyone deserves.
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In-Text Citation: (Koçak, Ekmen, & Eti, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Koçak, O., Ekmen, E., & Eti, S. (2019). Integrative Approaches Towards Immigrants: A Sample From A District Of Istanbul. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 9(9), 334–347.
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