ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to highlight and summarize the systematic review to analyze the significant factors in consumer purchase regret." Specifically, the study analyzes: a) the prevailing definition of consumer purchase regret throughout the period; b) theoretical lens, through which this concept has been explored; c) key contributions of Consumer purchase regret; and d) Methods of research used to test sustainable consumption. Consumer purchase regret is the central interest ofemotions in the current article. Academics and marketers are constantly concerned with the increased importance of consumer behavioral issues and their elevation towards an important agenda for purchase regret. In addition, it has also been recognized as a key driver of innovation by marketers. The novelty of this article is based on the systematic literature review of theories and empirical findings concerning consumer purchase regret in last few years. The possible effects of purchase regret on consumer behavior were discussed and also considered the anticipation of regret influencing on decision making.
In order to review current regret conceptions in accordance with Denyer and Tranfield's instructions, the five-step approach to SLR was followed after a comprehensive database search and applying inclusion criteria, 15 research articles were incorporated for this systematic review. The core part of the paper discusses the specific CPR methodology used in this study and presents the review findings and discusses them. Finally, future developments are recommended in the promising field and the overall contribution in addressing critical challenges for CPR.The results of the review showed that the concept of consumer purchase regret has changed over time as consumer behavioral changes progresses. In addition, the study revealed that cross-sectional designs based on the survey methods taking into account certain subpopulations are widely used in existing research methodologies. Future studies on consumer purchase regret can be focused more on exploring additional issues regardingthe antecedents and critical challenges faced by both marketers and consumers in the developing countries.
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In-Text Citation: (Sarwar, Awang, Habib, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sarwar, M. A., Awang, Z., Habib, M. D. (2019). Consumer Purchase Regret: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 9(9), 403- 425.
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