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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Local Wisdom in Agony of Death among Malay-Muslim Society in Malaysia

Muhammad Yusri Yusof @ Salleh, Mohd Anuar Ramli

Open access

The Malay society is very much concerned with matters pertaining to custom in everyday life. The customs practiced by the people reflect the ingenuity and expertise in dealing with the routine. This matter is recognised as local wisdom. The variety of local wisdom is developed based on the situation, condition and geographical location of a society. Recently, the polemic has emerged among religious scholars pertaining to the local wisdom practiced by the Malay society. The discussion within the society seems to be more focusing on the law itself regardless of the functions and its practices. Therefore, this study aims to explore the functions and the practice of the local wisdom and this article pays more concentration on discussing these matters. This study also concentrates on the local wisdom along the process of the agony of death (sak?ratul maut) within the Malay society. The practices, the reasons and the functions of practising them are discussed. To achieve the objective, this study has combined the finding from library research as well as field research based on interviews. Qualitative data were obtained from these methods and the contents were thematically analysed to summarize the local wisdom practiced within the Malay society during and after dealing with the agony of death. The result from the study found that the local wisdom within the Malaysia society can be divided into two main functions; first, as a form of submission towards Allah SWT, and second, as the final assistance and respect for the patients during and after the agony of death. This study has suggested the Model of Local Wisdom during the Agony of Death for the Funerary Management.

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Sobirin &

In-Text Citation: (Salleh, Ramli, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, M. Y. Y@., Ramli, M. A. (2019). Local Wisdom in Agony of Death among Malay-Muslim Society in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Social Science. 9(9), 426-436