ISSN: 2222-6990
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The issue of generational gap causes the rise of conflict in school environment which will negatively impacted the motivation, job satisfaction and commitment of school teachers. Creative ways to manage conflict in the school is from the school leadership which would help school atmosphere to be more conducive as individuals react differently to the conflict they faced. This survey research is designed to identify distributed leadership and conflict management style at secondary schools in Kedah, that involved 370 teachers. This research focused on Generation Y teachers on the relationship of distributed leadership and conflict management style. The Distributed Leadership Survey (DLS) which was introduced by Davis (2009) are used in this study to measure the distributed leaderships practices of the respondent. For conflict management style, the instrument from Rahim (1983), Rahim Organizational Conflict Instrument II (ROCI-II) Form A which consisted of 5 dimensions were used in this research. This instrument was used to measure the interpersonal conflict management style of generation Y teachers towards their principals. The data were analyzed by using the statistical descriptive and inferential such as the mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation through SPSS Version 21.0. There is no significant difference between gender, qualifications and years of teaching experiences in practicing distributed leadership among generation Y teachers. However, there is a positive and significant relationship between distributed leadership practices with conflict management style of the respondents. Overall, there were high average of correlation values between distributed leadership practices with the dimensions of conflict management. However, there is no significant relationship found between distributed leadership practices with dominating style of conflict management. The finding of this research could be used as guidelines for school leaderships in managing the generation Y teachers in a best possible way to enhance the quality of teacher leaderships in school.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamail, Don, & Zain, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Jamail, M., Don, Y., & Zain, F. M. (2019). Distributed Leadership and Conflict Management Style of Generation Y Teachers: Malaysian Context. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 1298–1320.
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