ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study was carried out in order to investigate the factors associated to celebrity endorser that influence consumers buying intention in Kelantan. The study measures three attributes as an independent variable consisting of trustworthiness, attractiveness and expertise. The objectives of this study is to determine the relationships between all these independent variables and consumers buying intention based on past literature reviews. For this purpose of the study, sets of questionnaire were distributed through online surveys. Consumers in Kelantan was selected to be the population for this study. This research used a non-probability and convenience sampling technique. Hypothesis were tested using regression analysis by using SPSS version 22. Based on the result from hypothesis ran by SPSS 22, only one independent variable was found to be significant which is attractiveness and the other two were found to be not significant. The possible reason why there is only one independent variable that is significant and accepted due to lack of literature review about the small scope and public expectation. The researcher should carry out more literature review as there may be other significant influenced through celebrity endorser in consumer buying intentions.
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In-Text Citation: (Faizal, Naziman, & Samat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Faizal, T. A. T. M., Naziman, Y. H. N. M., & Samat, M. F. (2019). Celebrity Endorser and Consumer Buying Intention in Kelantan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 722–735.
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