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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Mosques as an Agent for Community Developement in the History of Islam

Nizaita Omar, Zulkifly Muda, Razi Yaakob, Manapiyah Maoti

Open access

Increasing globalization and rapid development of information technology today has changed the sociocultural patterns and living values among the global community. This phenomenon urges every party and institution involved in social agenda to devise a systematic and comprehensive preparation for any interference that might come. Accordingly, the role of mosques as an institution for social community also becomes more dynamic. The early history of Islam proves that mosques can effectively act as an agent for community transformation, inspiring this article to look into seerah nabawiyyah (the life of Prophet Muhammad) to discover the roles and functions that mosques play for the development of religion, community and nation that then results in a great civilization. Accompanying the study is a research on the position and functions of current mosques in Malaysia, which then may lead to comparison between the two and strategies on what can be done today to uplift the status of mosques. Concept paper that will be presented is derived from analyses and researches that have been done before that are improved and upgraded to be more relevant and solid. The findings suggest that mosques need to be proactively and professionally managed, and effective strategies need to be set up according to current demands.

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In-Text Citation: (Omar, Muda, Yaakob, & Maoti, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Omar, N., Muda, Z., Yaakob, R., & Maoti, M. (2019). Mosques as an Agent for Community Developement in the History of Islam. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 763–772.