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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Concept of Islamic Personality and Spiritual Development

Azimah Abdullah, Mohd Farid Mohd Sharif

Open access

This paper aims to discuss and analyze the concept of development of Islamic personality and spirituality. Nowadays, the morality issues are increasing in the society. The unpredictable personality and spirituality of human beings have called for various social illnesses as reported in the previous study of Yusoff, Othman, Abdullah, Omar, N. and Omar (2018), Tunggak, Ngadi and Naim (2015), Ahmad, Don, Abdullah, Ibrahim and Hussain (2014), Kadir, Paad and Ghapar (2013) and others. This study however focuses on the concept of development of Islamic personality and spirituality from the Islamic scholars for instance al-Ghazali, Hawwa, Raiya and others which analysed to present the full explanation of the concept. The study employs qualitative research method – the data of the study is gathered from both hard and online materials, and analysed through typical qualitative analysis method: inductive and deductive. The findings of the study shows that the combination of faith, knowledge, charity and the process of tazkiyah al-nafs, mujahadah al-nafs and riya?ah al-nafs implemented through the effort of struggle, patience, consistent with continuous routine of righteousness becomes the best possible way to uplift the strength of the human character and spirituality. This leads one to achieve the state of happiness. It also shows that when one gains the best condition of personality and spirituality that situation will lead a person not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance.