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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Customers Satisfaction and Service Quality of Islamic Banks in Perak, Malaysia

Amira Najiha Abu Bakar, Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin, Nor Azrin Md Latip , Ahmad Mahmood

Open access

This study was aimed at analysing the customers’ satisfaction level of the Islamic banking service quality as well as identifying the service quality elements which were linked to and influenced the customers’ satisfaction level of Islamic banking in Perak, Malaysia. The CARTER model was utilised to achieve the study objectives. A total of 135 respondents had been chosen among the students of the Bachelor of Economy (Islamic Finance) programme, Sultan Idris Education University. The data acquired was then analysed using the descriptive and inferential methods to answer the study questions and to achieve the study objectives. The analysis showed that the customers’ satisfaction level of Islamic banking service was at a high level. The correlational test conducted also showed that all the service quality elements tested indicated a positive and significant relationship with customers’ satisfaction. The regression analysis results showed that the elements of tangible and compliance were the significant elements in influencing the customers’ satisfaction of Islamic banking service quality in, Perak. As such, in order to ensure that the customer satisfaction level is always at a high level, the management of Islamic banking should avoid from being involved in any Syariah issues affecting their products or service. They should also ensure that the physical or external condition of the bank is clearly visible and is situated in a good location and that the electronic equipment such as ATM and CDM machines are always in a good condition and easy to use; this simplifies customer usage and enhances customer satisfaction.

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In-Text Citation: (Bakar, Hussin, Latip, & Mahmood, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, A. N. A., Hussin, M. Y. M., Latip, N. A. M., & Mahmood, A. (2019). Customers Satisfaction and Service Quality of Islamic Banks in Perak, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 1283–1297.