ISSN: 2222-6990
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Solid waste management (SWM) is defined as the control of waste generation, storage, collection, transfer, transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes (SW) consistent with the best practice of public health, economics and financial, engineering, administrative and legal, and environmental considerations. This study is to look at pollution caused by waste and the management of solid waste in a few states in Malaysia. Based on the previous study, two methods were used in the study is qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method is with researchers using observation methods, referring to primary sources and conducting interviews. Meanwhile, quantitative methods are used to analyze data using descriptive statistics. Pollution that can occur from waste is water pollution, air pollution, and human health can also be affected. The management of solid waste by an authority in a state was scheduled and systematically. The authorities in a state has charged managing solid waste at RM3 for private house and RM6 for shop or organization. In fact, to improve the management of this waste the authorities also introduced Akta Jalan, Parit dan Bangunan, an effort to curb this waste. This is the way used by the authorities in managing solid waste in a state. The authorities in a state and the authorities in other state are the same parties managing their own solid waste, but there are differences in management systems conducted by both parties such as the way of waste collection scheduling, introduction to the Act and management status. All the steps that authorities take are a great way to deal with waste in a state. This study has also highlighted several ways in managing solid waste that can be done by the authorities such as 3R practice that can reduce waste, privatization that can help in financial, awareness of community and increasing waste management fees that can improve the management. Improvements to management systems need to be done to ensure that people can live in comfortable and safe environment.
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In-Text Citation: (Zamri et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Zamri, N. S., Kamarudin, M. K. A., Samah, M. A. A., Saudi, A. S. M., Wahab, N. A., Saad, M. H. M., & Bati, S. N. A. M. (2019). The Environmental Pollution and Solid Waste Management in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 13–25.
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