ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The importance of environmental education is well known globally among societies. The role of environmental education is seen as one that would provide understanding and create opportunities to improve individual knowledge, awareness, and attitudes which are important and highly required to preserve and protect the environment. This study is to review the impact of environmental education available across the school curriculum in Malaysia. Basically, the statistical approached use to determine and analyse the status of environmental education. This paper explained that student from the science stream has a higher attitude towards the environment compared to non-science stream students. High awareness among these science stream students is due to more exposure towards environmental issues through the scope of educational subjects. In addition, this study also found that environmental education was only able to provide knowledge to the students, but unable to change students’ attitude towards environmental care. Knowledge and attitude have a significant relationship but weak. In order to change the attitude of the student towards more positive is a very complex task and includes various factors. However, environmental education tutors must maintain this field so it will become more relevant towards the Malaysia development.
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In-Text Citation: (Razak et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Razak, S. A. A., Kamarudin, M. K. A., Toriman, M. E., Wahab, N. A., Saad, M. H. M., & Bati, S. N. M. (2019). Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes towards Environmental Education among Secondary School Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 37–49
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