ISSN: 2222-6990
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Participation of women in the emerging industry throughout the world is appreciated and enlivening. At the same time it is most discussed topic especially in the human right circle in the developing countries. Though the participation of the women towards the betterment of the economy of any country is pleasant but it is still affected by the internal and external deriving forces. In the previously held researches and studies it is widely discussed that the family background was the main factor in discouraging women participation. However, the researches held in the recent year shows nepotism is also an external force that have impacts on the women employment along with the favoritism. Considering these two external forces results are depicting that these two though have pessimistic impact on the economic situation, but have optimistic impact on the feminine employment. This study discussed different factors and their impact on the women empowerment and employment through BLM (Binary Logit Model). The relationship of education in family unit and employment of the women are very significant and positively placed. The women empowerment and employment is highly effected and affected by the family background and directed by the all factors linked to the household. However, cronyism or favoritism rooted in the private sector elevates the employment status as in this case, family terms overwhelmed the merit.
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In-Text Citation: (Tubbassum, Ameer, Ansari, & Javed, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Tubbassum, L., Ameer, W., Ansari, A. A., & Javed, K. (2019). Determination of Influential Factors on the Women Employment status in South Punjab Economic Growth. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 198–206.
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