ISSN: 2222-6990
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Indonesia is predicted to become the biggest digital economy country in Asian region. It can penetrate the amount of 130 billion US dollars or around 1, 729, 000 billion IDR. However, it will not be easy for Indonesia to successfully achieve the digital economy with this high value; there are still several major problems that must be faced by Indonesia, which is the sector of Indonesian higher level education that could not provide human resources in accordance with the industry needs, could not give consumer protection, taxation system, cyber security, and ICT infrastructure. The research used the experiment research methodology, which is the research trying to find the influence of a certain variable towards another variable in strictly controlled condition. The researcher manipulated the independent variable. This research intends to notice the causality and the influence of factors in certain condition. In the simplest form, the approach of this experiment tried to explain, control, and predict the phenomena as elaborate as possible. Quantitative model was mostly used in this experiment research. The result of the research indicates that Digital Economy Regulation and Human Resource Quality significantly influence the Development of Indonesian Economy. As well as, it is characterized by three fast-developing sectors; among them are on-demand services, financial technology (fin-tech), and e-commerce.
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In-Text Citation: (Sudaryana et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sudaryana, B., Wellda, S., Ratnasari, D., Herdiyanti, H., & Siddiqa, D. (2019). The Impact of Digital Economy towards the national Economy Development in Indonesia (The Study Case in Bandung, West Java). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 394–409.
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