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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An observation has been made to investigate the proficiency improvement in Bahasa Melayu and the grammatical errors in learning slide as a teaching platform in Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG). There are some grammatical errors made by the students in their learning slides. Therefore, this analysis is done to identified the main themes of the grammatical errors made by IPG students which are spelling system, morphology and syntax. The analysis has been made based on Generative Transformation Theory. At the end of this research, a guideline on how to use correct Bahasa Melayu in a learning slide was produced based on ADDIE Model in order to overcome the problem. An investigation has been carried out on 30 respondents who are majoring in Bahasa Melayu in IPG Kampus Ipoh. The data has been retrieved from questionnaires, interviews and document analysis of the learning slide. Learning slide widely used by IPG students as teaching base during practicum. The result of this research has found out that before they got a chance to use the guideline, their level of grammar improvement is on average. After the use of the guideline, they are no longer making grammatical errors and repetition of errors in morphology and syntax. Errors in morphology and syntax decreased and the respondents admit that there are a lot of positive perspectives in using the guideline. Index analysis of Cohen Kappa which has been used to make an approval test against this guideline shows an improvement in the scale which is K = 0.85. In conclusion, the guideline on how to use Bahasa Melayu in a learning slide is helping the IPG students in creating an accurate learning slide with correct grammar and grammatical sentences tremendously.