ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study focuses on sales job rejection and commission wages in selected banking institutions in Delta State. A cross sectional survey research design and stratified random sampling method was adopted. The copies of questionnaire were administered to a sample size of 108 respondents as obtained from a population of 150. The respondents were selected from nine banking institutions across the three districts of Delta state. A validated structured questionnaire was used to elicit responses from respondents. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Multiple regression analysis was used to measure the relationship between the independent variables of sales job rejection on commission wages. The study concludes that people reject commission sales jobs because they lack the required traits. Sales force training deficiency and poor sales force compensation are factors militating against people seeking or in sales job on commission wages. Job insecurity is another discouraging factor common in banking institutions paying commission wages. The study recommends that adequate training programmes should be made available as well as a good compensation plan. The study provides an insight into the determinants of rejecting sales job on commission wages. It also provides a model which seeks to attract, motivate and train salesmen to ensure attractive commission.
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In-Text Citation: (OKPIGHE, 2019)
To Cite this Article: OKPIGHE, S. G. O. (2019). Sales Job Rejection and Commission Wages in Selected Banking Institutions In Delta State. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 857–875.
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