ISSN: 2222-6990
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Downward trend of student’s enrolment in science and health studies is an issue that should not be taken lightly. This is due to the decrease in the workers in these science-related fields may jeopardise the successful implementation of government's agenda in alleviating Malaysia's performance in the world stage. In this paper, mobile application named SPATO, a teaching aid in the learning of atomic orbitals of elements in the Periodic Table is presented. SPATO is developed with the aim to spur the interest of community in studying the science-related subjects in the guise as a mobile-learning tool. The Waterfall Model was used to fulfill the aims in the development of this mobile application. Expert reviewers were involved in the testing of this mobile-learning tool using TAM model. From the distributed questionnaire, SPATO had shown to be well accepted by the users as all the categories show positive results. Users found that it is easy to use, even though initially they might not familiar with the m-learning application. SPATO provides a platform for the community to engage themselves to the topic of atomic orbitals. Results from the acceptance testing show that SPATO can function as an alternative approach in understanding the chemical elements.
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In-Text Citation: (Ang et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ang, L. S., Fauzi, S. S. M., Hanim, M. U., Zhafran, A. A., Suhaimi, S., & Najwa-Alyani, M. N. N. (2019). M-Learning: Spatial Atomic Orbital for Stem. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(14), 145–152.
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