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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Global View towards Understanding of Standard and Non-Standard Varieties of English

Hamzah Faleh Migdadi, Kamariah Yunus, Abdul-Fattah Al.Garni

Open access

English is the most successful recognized global language. However, sociolinguists have a sheer of divergent views on the complexity of the present-day world English varieties in terms of standardization. There is little explicit agreement about exactly how Standard English ought to be viewed. It is a common belief among those who work with English that it exists. However, the portrayals made of it in various linguistic works, dictionaries and grammar books show how much diversity there is in individuals' thoughts regarding Standard English. The questions of what constitute a variety of English characterized as Standard or good English is still an area of dispute among the sociolinguists. This paper aims to examine the perspectives and challenges on the classification of English as standard and non-standard varieties in terms of lexicon in use. It identifies how words are accepted as common, colloquial and academic or formal. With the sheer of practical discussion and couple of examples the paper contributes a great deal towards understanding of Standard English and Non-standard varieties.