ISSN: 2222-6990
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English proficiency is very important. Our Ministry of Education have been emphasizing about the importance of English language. They introduced various methods to help our young learners. Young learners love to do something fun and involving action.Among the four skills in learning English, Speaking is one of the most crucial skill. Anxiety in speaking English language is the major factor why pupils are reluctant to participate in oral activities. They are scared of making mistakes and eventually become not self-confidence to speak in English. Their anxiety of speaking English makes them cannot excel in English and forever appalled of using English to communicate. The anxiety to make mistakes makes them demotivated to use the language. Young learners with low motivation usually are reluctant to speak in the target language. The growing needs of English language increased the roles of this language in society today. Realizing the increasing needs, the education system in Malaysia is built to equip young Malaysians to compete in the 21st century. In Malaysia, English is taught as a second language. Students are required to receive eleven years of formal education in both primary and secondary school.
Undoubtedly, the most effective teaching method to teach English in ESL classroom is among the major issue to be discussed in Malaysia Education System. Songs help to motivate them and boost their confidence. Songs has been a part of every level of society and cultures. It can be fun and engaging to the learners. Not only that using songs able to support language focus and increase the attention span of the learners. Young learners are usually more attracted in the use of songs in their lesson since they are still very much attracted to activity that involves total physical response.
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In-Text Citation: (Ejeng et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ejeng, I. E. A., Hashim, H., & Duan, S. S. (2020). Using Songs to Reduce Language Anxiety in Speaking English in ESL Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2), 151–165.
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