ISSN: 2222-6990
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The position of deputy regional head in Indonesia has reaped many pros and cons. The deputy region head ease the regional head’s duties and anticipate a leadership vacuum if the regional head is serving detention period or being temporarily unavailable. On the other hand, deputy regional head has many conflicts with the regional head. This conflict can disrupt the operation of the regional government, so that the existence of the deputy regional head has more harm than benefits. The necessity of deputy regional head in Indonesia needs to take into consideration by the area, population, complexity of regional government affairs, and the effectiveness of regional government operations. However, these considerations are often defeated by the political interests of political parties by placing their cadres as deputy regional heads.
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In-Text Citation: (Siswoyo, 20220)
To Cite this Article: Siswoyo, M. (20220). Pros and Cons of Deputy Regional Head Role Position in Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2), 245–254.
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