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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Utilizing Flow Chart in Writing Narrative Essay: English as Second Language Students’ Perceptions

Melanie Selvaraj , Azlina Abdul Aziz

Open access

Teaching and learning writing skills in English as a Second language classrooms has always been an issue despite various approaches and methods employed. Studies have shown mind mapping techniques has shown a significant improvement in improving students’ writing yet at the primary school level, this issue was unresolved. This study focuses on students’ perceptions after employing a flow chart technique in scaffolding students narrative writing. A semi-structured interview was adopted to find out students’ perception in utilizing flow chart in producing narrative writing. Prior to the interview session, the participants were scaffolded their narrative writing process by utilizing the flowchart. The finding was thematically coded into two main sections namely, the effectiveness of teaching methods and the advantage and disadvantages of the technique. The findings show the participants were satisfied and found that the technique was easy to employ and useful as it improved their achievement in narrative writing. Besides that, students admitted that the teacher’s scaffolding method and collaboration among peers was effective in the intervention process.

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In-Text Citation: (Selvaraj & Aziz, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Selvaraj, M., & Aziz, A. A. (2020). Utilizing Flow Chart in Writing Narrative Essay: English as Second Language Students’ Perceptions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciencesn, 10(3), 1–16.