ISSN: 2222-6990
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According to the literature, lack of environmental awareness is a significant challenge in nurturing the green mind-set among the youngster. People who are not aware of the importance of environmental conservation may involve in activities that could contribute to global warming and environmental pollution. This concept paper discusses about the implementation of green skills in the learning process for secondary school students. Activities which contribute toward the preservation of the environment and the conservation of energy are considered as part of generic green skills. Generic green skills could be defined as non-technical or soft skills which emphasize on sustaining the environmental and energy saving initiatives. Elements of green skills need to be nurtured in order to produce competent students in green features and to sustain the environmental balance. Education is the best platform to teach generic green skills to the students. In this study, the researchers will find practical strategies to develop the green skills for the students who take the Design and Technology (D & T) class where the students will embark on several green projects. This study will propose a new framework for green skills for secondary school students
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In-Text Citation: (Thirupathy & Mustapha, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Thirupathy, S., & Mustapha, R. (2020). Development of Secondary School Students’ Green Skills for Sustainable Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(3), 160–173.
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