ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study focuses on identifying faculty members’ behavior toward information systems, measured through the technology acceptance model (TAM), towards the value added from those systems. Data were collected from 56 staff members of the University of Bisha. Path analysis was conducted using reliable measures to enhance understanding of the role of IT usage behavior in creating of value added. The results indicate that some dimensions of ease of use predict faculty members’ usage of IT. The perceived ease of use also predicts perceived usefulness. Moreover, the dimensions of faculty members’ perceived usefulness and use of IT predict value added. The study’s results can be used to help IT designers in education institutions to design better education systems. They can also assist managers of education institutions to align their strategies with IT strategies to add value to faculty staff. The study extends the TAM in the education sector through a comprehensive research model that can be used in other research contexts to evaluate the value added from information systems.
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In-Text Citation: (Eldin, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Eldin, A. Y. S. (2020). Faculty members' behavior towards technology acceptance and its impact on a value-added configuration. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(3), 221–241.
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