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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Construct Validity and Reliability in Content Knowledge of Design and Technology Subject: A Rasch Measurement Model Approaches for Pilot Study

Owi Kim Huei, Ridzwan Che’ Rus, Arasinah Kamis

Open access

Validity and reliability are the main important issues when developing a new instrument. This pilot study aims to test the validity and reliability of instruments in content knowledge for the Design and Technology subject in Malaysia. The content knowledge of RBT subject instruments that had been prepared consists of 94 dichotomous items and is distributed to 83 teachers. The purpose of the establishment of this instrument is to measure the five main constructs of this study, which is; (1) Introduction to Design and Technology; (2) Introduction to Design Project Management; (3) Product Making; (4) Introduction to Apply Technology; and (5) Introduction to Design and Technology in entrepreneurship. The approach used to examine the validity and reliability of the items and respondents in this study is emanate from the Rasch Measurement Model Approaches which is much more valid and well-grounded compared to just focus on the output produced by Cronbach’s Alpha. The Winsteps software Version 3.73 has been used to check on the functionality of the items in the aspects such as the item reliability and the separation of item-respondent, polarity item, the suitability of the item to measure the construct, the item difficulty level, and the respondent’s ability. It also allows the removal of items based on the statistics of polarity item and the suitability of the item. At the end of the analysis, it is found that there is a total of 10 items that were discarded because they did not meet the inspection criteria specified in accordance to the Rasch Model. The final instrument recorded a total of 84 items that can only be used to measure the five constructs of the study. Since this study was established as a pilot study, then the distribution made to the actual respondents can be carried out to measure the five main constructs of this study. This study shows that the Rasch Model can help researchers build a good instrument as the items constructed offset psychometric standards.

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In-Text Citation: (Huei et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Huei, O. K., Rus, R. C., & Kamis, A. (2020). Knowledge of Design and Technology Subject: A Rasch Measurement Model Approaches for Pilot Study. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 10(3), 599–613.