ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) is an initiative by the Kenyan Government to empower the Youth, Women and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) through preferential treatment while seeking Government Procurement Opportunities. The aim of the AGPO initiative is to facilitate the enterprises owned by Youth, Women and PWDs to participate and benefit from at least thirty percent (30%) of the Government tenders. However, considering the numerous challenges experienced, the determinants of this initiative and how they influence the uptake of this opportunity is not clear and hence this study while narrowing on the independent parameters of Entrepreneurial Tendencies sought to correlate with the dependent variable which was the Uptake of AGPO. Using the descriptive research design with inferential statistics as tools of analysis, and with a sample of 55 respondents drawn from the Three (3) Sub-Counties, namely; Isiolo, Garbatulla, and Merti, all in Isiolo County in Kenya. The researchers correlated the independent variable with the dependent variable. The study found that Entrepreneurial Tendencies had a moderate positive correlation with the Uptake of AGPO, as it was established that the youth were able to seek and exploit opportunities and had high propensity to undertake risks. The study recommends that the County Government of Isiolo and other agencies such as development partners should come up with new initiatives on ways of inculcating an entrepreneurial culture and assist the youth to be innovative through development of new products and provision of services.
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In-Text Citation: (Kangethe et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Kangethe, A. T. W., Mukabi, F. E. K., & Simiyu, D. N. (2020). Influence of Entrepreneurial Tendencies on Uptake of Access to Government Procurement Opportunities by the Youth A Study of ISIOLO County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 132–148.
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