ISSN: 2222-6990
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The terminology of jihad potrays horrendous idea i.e. logophobia. This is due to its confined understanding and application by certain religious extremist groups. The absolute concept of jihad however has been distorted by the beliefs and actions of indefinite jihad, thus adversely affected worldwide. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the injustice concept of fiqh jihad executes by religious extremist groups specific to the Islamic State (IS), thru analysis documentations of inductive, deductive as well as comparative studies. The findings indicate that the IS group understand the revelation literally with no consideration on the reality extant and critical analysis by contemporary Muslim scholars. The term jihad is correspondingly synonymous to warfare (qital). Therefore, it has to be dealt with authentic narrative explanations regarding fiqh jihad according to the Islamic teaching based on the principle of wasatiyyah i.e. rahmat li alamin.
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In-Text Citation: (Razak et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Razak, M. I. A., Ramli, M. A., Aziz, N. H. A., Rahman, M. F. A., Khalid, N. K., Noor, A. F. M., & Basir, M. K. A. (2020). An Analysis on Misconception of Fiqh Jihad by Religious Extremist Group. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 262–267.
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