ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to explore the applicable items for using in the research instrument by using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Therefore, actions are taken for developing and validating the instrument of Blue Ocean Leadership (BOL) construct through EFA accurately, in the context of vocational college in Penang, Malaysia. EFA has been employed as it is much distinctive from earlier studies in terms of demographic aspect, and some items of the earlier studies are not relevant for the present research. Predominantly, previous studies only reviewed the items instead of the aspects of BOL. But, no mutual understanding among researchers as the number of aspects and items which should be practiced to measure BOL. Hence, focus, visionary, and idealized influences have been assessed as an essential aspect to measure BOL and also to display an instrument of BOL. Cross-sectional research design has been implemented. Quantitative data was gathered from 630 lecturers from the population across the five vocational colleges in Penang, Malaysia, using the structured survey. This study concluded the instrument to thirteen (13) items comply with three (3) aspects, i.e., focus (7 items), visionary (3 items), and idealized influences (3 items) depend on reliability testing. Incidentally, researchers determined Cronbach Alpha value as the value of internal reliability for the recent BOL instrument. The overflow for performing EFA analysis for BOL construct has been clarified in detail. The instrument has been displayed by cross-examining across the different states in Malaysia, and other underdeveloped, developing, and developed countries should be further broadened by researchers in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Jian et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Jian, O. Z., Yin, K. Y., & Awang, M. (2020). Developing Item for Blue Ocean Leadership in Vocational College. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 268–280.
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