ISSN: 2222-6990
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Prayer is a ritual obligated to be performed by every (mukalaf) accountable Muslim regardless of time and situation. Sharia also allocates rukhsah (leniency) to ease the execution of prayer for those who travel, sick and in emergency state. For Muslim medical officials managing sick and critical patients, performing prayer is a great challenge due to limitation of time and energy as they are more needed for more urgent matter (daruri) which is rescuing patients’ lives. This study aims to analyse practice of prayer rukhsah practised by officials of critical medicine in Malaysia. Methodology of this study is of qualitative approach. Data were obtained from document analysis study by referring to treasure of turath fiqh (classical) and recent fatwas. Field observation method was done in selected hospital which was Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Data collected were analysed and elaborated through inductive, deductive and comparative methods to gain results complying with the assigned research objectives. The study found that rukhsah implementation by medical officials is based on aspect of job scope, critical situation and place or department they are assigned. Scopes and situations of duty involving oncall, heart, nerve and brain surgery, organ transplant, woman midwifery and caretaking of unstable patients become a reason for implementation of prayer rukhsah. Study also found that medical officials assigned in emergency department, surgery hall, intensive care unit and delivery ward are those who practise prayer rukhsah the most. Among the most famous forms of rukhsah implemented is gathering of prayer when it involves lengthy surgery and continuous resuscitation procedure. There are some of officials who delay prayer and replace it after accomplishment of task mainly involving Subuh prayer. In the case of surgery and procedure occuring beyond period of Jumaat prayer, Muslim officials perform Zuhur prayer as rukhsah. All practices of prayer rukhsah practised by medical officials comply with principles of Maqasid Syariah, fiqh methods related to masyaqqah (hardship) and darar (harm). The officials keep on preserving their religion by implementing prayer rukhsah besides fulfilling their responsibility of taking care and saving lives of critical patients.
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In-Text Citation: (Zaini & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Zaini, A. F. M., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Practice of Prayer Rukhsah Implementation among Officials of Critical Medicine in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 396–407.
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