ISSN: 2222-6990
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Each development process surely has its actors (development actors). In Islamic-based development theory and conventional development theory, humankind plays the role of a development actor. However, the role of humans as development actors in conventional development theory differs. So, what is the function of humans as development actors in conventional development theory? Is it consistent with the al-Qur’an? To answer both these questions, this working paper has two objectives, which is to identify the role of humans as development actors in conventional development theory and determine the function of humans as development actors based on the al-Qur’an. A library research on conventional development theory using the al-mawdhu’iy interpretation analysis method found that the humanistic role was solely confined to the physical and capability aspects, without considering the spiritual aspect. Therefore, the humanistic role in conventional development theory only considers the physical nature of humans or the pseudo-human perspective, which makes them “incomplete humans”, as it only refers to their physical strength as well as productive and cognitive capabilities. This clearly contradicts the function of humans according to the al-Qur’an, which is to be the subject and khalifah of Allah SWT.
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In-Text Citation: (Yahaya & Hanapi, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Yahaya, N. F., & Hanapi, M. S. (2020). Humankind as Actors of Development According to The Al-Qur’an. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science, 10(4), 627–634.
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