ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research focuses on the contribution of Tuan Guru Daeng Taleba @ Haji Tahir Bin Daeng Mangati (TGHT) a scholar in Johor, born in Sulawesi Indonesia (1921-1994). This research provides academic exposure to the civil society in order to know his personality, character, contribution and sacrifice. He is one of the leaders of the Nusantara Islamic scholars who migrated from one region to another to develop Islam especially through Islamic education, missionary and organizations. This research employed the qualitative historical approach by reviewing the historical documentation in the library and personal collection. In addition, this research relied on field study by interviewing the respondents who provide information of the past history to obtain primary data on the subject of the study. The interview has been done through social media applications as WhatApps and Facebook continuously throughout 2015 until 2017 among Tuan Guru Daeng Taleba family’s members, especially his wife and 14 children who are still alive, 5 family members in Sulawesi, 5 former students and his close friends. The data analysis has been validated based on the coded themes to achieve the objective of the study. This research found that Tuan Guru Daeng Taleba education background started in South Sulawesi and he was involved in the movement against the Dutch colonialist in the 40s. His living environment in Makassar is a major influence that builds his personality and identity until he reaches the level of a missionary, educator, warrior and scholar. He is known to be very practical in appreciating the tradition of the prophet SAW in his family and community as well as he struggled to spread the teachings of Islam by migrating from his homeland to Java and Malaya. Throughout his life, he faced various challenges of fights before and after independence. He eventually succeeded in building the legacy of a large family educated with Islamic teachings, developing eight Islamic schools in Johor, thousands of missionary books, and the Arabic-Malay translation for today's generation. He is recognized as educator and leader in Islamic movement in Malaysia. Hence, it is hoped that this study will create awareness for the younger generation to appreciate the history of the grassroots to be a good example in continuing their life more meaningful to the religion and country.
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In-Text Citation: (Twahir et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Twahir, W. binti, Abdul, A. H. bin, & Husain, H. binti. (2020). Contribution of Muslim Scholars in Islamic Revival in South East Asia: A Case Study on Haji Mohd Tahir Bin Daeng Mangati. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 426–437.
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