ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study investigated the effect of credit policies on delinquency management of microfinance banks in Southwest Nigeria with the aim to examine the effects of credit standard and credit terms and condition on delinquency management of microfinance banks in Nigeria. Static Panel regression estimate which involved pooled regression, fixed effect estimate, random effect estimate, Hausman test were employed as the analytical techniques. Data on corporate governance (proxied by credit standard and credit terms and condition) and delinquency management (proxied by loan portfolio at risk) were obtained from Annual Financial Statement of respective microfinance banks over a period of seven (7) years from 2012 to 2018). Statistically, the study found that credit standard has positive and significant effect on loan portfolio at risk by (t =1.694070; p< 0.05); the study also discovered that credit terms has positive with a significant effect on loan portfolio at risk by (t =1.694070; p< 0.05). The result, therefore, implies that credit policy is very instrumental to delinquency management of microfinance banks in Nigeria based on their significant influences unlike corporate governance which has a negative impact on delinquency management. The study concluded that credit policy has positive and significant effect on delinquency management of microfinance banks in Nigeria. The study recommended that credit committees at all levels must work in co-ordination in order to ensure that credit is collected in a timely manner.
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In-Text Citation: (Ogunsanwo et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ogunsanwo, O. F., Abdulai, R. A., & Abere, M. (2020). Effects of Credit Policies on Delinquency Management of Microfinance Banks in Southwest, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 456–470.
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