ISSN: 2222-6990
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This conceptual paper aims to (1) highlight on the harmful arising from misconceptions on students' performance and achievement in algebra, (2) classifying these conceptual errors, and (3) highlighting on some past studies in this field. The authors explained the importance of algebra, and its association closely with other mathematics branches and other related subjects such as physics and economics. The authors presented the importance of revealing conceptual errors in algebra. Based on literature, the authors classified algebraic misconceptions into four categorized: algebraic expressions, linear equations, polynomials, exponents and radical expressions, and finally functions and graphs. Based on literature, a set of common conceptual errors in algebra were presented. It was emphasized that teachers should be aware of these errors and research should be expand in this field to find effective instructional strategies to address these felled algebraic misconceptions.
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In-Text Citation: (AL-Rababaha et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: AL-Rababaha, Y., Yew, W. T., & Meng, C. C. (2020). Misconceptions in School Algebra. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 803–812.
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