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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Motivation and its Relationship towards The Achievement in Quranic Memorisation of Tahfiz School Students in Pahang

Mohd Saleh Bin Ramli , Syed Sofian Syed Salim

Open access

The purpose of this research is to analyse the relationship between motivation and its relationship towards the achievement in Quranic memorisation of Tahfiz school students in Pahang. This research has employed the method of survey where samples were chosen using stratified random sampling involving 254 students from 4 Tahfiz schools in Pahang. The instrument used to measure students’ motivation is the Work Preference Inventory (WPI), while students’ Quranic memorisation achievements are measured through their Al-Quran examination score. The data was analysed using the SPSS software version 23. The result of this analysis, which has used Pearson correlation, has shown that there is a positively significant relationship between motivation and Quranic memorisation achievements ( r = 0.291, p < .05 ). Meanwhile, the ANOVA two-ways analysis of the data has found that there is a significant interaction between motivation and Quranic memorisation achievements from the aspects of age [F = 1.452; p = 0.031], place of origin [F = 1.950; p = 0.007]. In light of these results, it warrants the need for schools, District Education Office (PPD), District Education Department (JPN) and Ministry of Education (MOE) in general to improvise the memorisation module while taking into account the previously said variables in order to improve the achievement in Quranic memorisation among students.

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In-Text Citation: (Ramli & Salim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ramli, M. S. Bin, & Salim, S. S. S. (2020). Motivation and its Relationship towards The Achievement in Quranic Memorisation of Tahfiz School Students in Pahang. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 822–829.