Social media has been provided another means for young people to express themselves using language as a tool. This study aimed to examine the main differences between male and female traveling Malaysian bloggers in terms of descriptive writing and main vocabularies. the study adopted entirely a qualitative research design. the data of the study is analyzing in terms of content analysis as we are dealing with written text. Also, the sampling of the study is selected in the purposive and random selecting sample. the researcher utilized Lakoff”s theory ( 1974) in analyzing the data. The findings of the study have been manifested that there are differences between female and male traveling Malaysian bloggers. Malaysian female bloggers write up are more descriptive terms than male bloggers. yet, for the main vocabulary, both genders did not display any differences in the wording utilized.
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In-Text Citation: (Bustan & Alakrash, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Bustan, E. S., & Alakrash, H. M. (2020). Gender Analysis Amongst Male and Female Malaysian Travelling Bloggers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 1–9.
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